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tang a slight but distinctive touch or trace of something. [1/3 definitions]
tangible capable of being touched or perceived by touch. [1/5 definitions]
three-point landing a perfect aircraft landing in which the two main wheels and the tail or nose wheel touch down simultaneously.
tickle to touch, stroke, or poke (someone or part of someone's body) so as to produce a tingling or itching sensation or spasmodic laughter or movement. [1/6 definitions]
tinkle to touch (piano keys or the like) lightly to produce short light tones. [1/4 definitions]
tip4 a light touch; tap. [1/2 definitions]
toe to reach for, touch, or kick with the toes. [1/7 definitions]
tongue to lick or touch with or as if with the tongue. [1/10 definitions]
touchable combined form of touch.
touché used in fencing to indicate a valid hit or touch. [1/2 definitions]
touchpad a device, as on portable computers, consisting of a flat, touch-sensitive surface that is used to position a pointer on a computer screen. Moving one's finger or stylus against the surface of the device allows the movement and placement of the pointer.
touch screen a touch-sensitive display screen on a computer that enables the user to interact with the computer.
touch system a method of typing without having to look at the keyboard, each finger being trained to touch one or more specific keys.
touch-type to type by the touch system, in which the typist is trained to use specific fingers to hit specific groups of contiguous keys without looking at the keyboard.
whiteboard shortened form of "interactive whiteboard," a large electronic display surface that is positioned on a wall or stand and connected with a computer and projector, allowing for the projection of a computer's screen onto the display. As the display is sensitive to touch, a user can direct the computer and control what is seen on the board by touching the surface with a stylus, finger, or the like. [1/2 definitions]