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moving arousing or deeply touching the emotions. [1/3 definitions]
Nazarite among the ancient Hebrews, a person who took strict vows to abstain from wine, leave the hair long, and avoid touching corpses.
off not connected, attached, or touching a surface. [1/37 definitions]
palpate to examine (an internal organ or an external part of the body) for medical reasons by touching or pressing.
palpus a jointed feeler or sense organ for tasting and touching that is attached to a head appendage or near the mouth in many crustaceans and insects.
play footsie with (informal) to engage in flirtation or surreptitious sexual intimacies with, as by touching someone's foot beneath a table. [1/2 definitions]
poignant deeply touching; arousing strong emotion, esp. sadness or sympathy; piercing; penetrating.
pull back to physically withdraw oneself from (someone who is touching or holding one). [1/3 definitions]
skip to jump or pass lightly over without touching or lingering on. [1/10 definitions]
stroke an act or instance of touching gently, as by brushing. [1/13 definitions]
tangent in contact, esp. at a single point or along a single line; touching. [1/5 definitions]
tangential barely connected to or touching a subject. [1/3 definitions]
touch the act or an instance of touching. [1/22 definitions]
touchdown in rugby, the act or an instance of touching a ball on the ground inside of one's own goal. [1/3 definitions]
toxoplasmosis infection with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, often occurring after eating undercooked meat or touching the feces of an infected cat, that usu. causes mild symptoms in adults but may cause severe complications in an unborn child.
turn over to move (oneself) so that the side that was touching or close to the surface is now facing upwards and away from the surface. [1/5 definitions]
uvular of a speech sound, articulated with the back of the tongue near or touching the uvula. [2/3 definitions]
velar pronounced with the back of the tongue close to or touching the soft palate, as the "g" sound in "gone" and the "k" sound in "cut". [1/3 definitions]
whiteboard shortened form of "interactive whiteboard," a large electronic display surface that is positioned on a wall or stand and connected with a computer and projector, allowing for the projection of a computer's screen onto the display. As the display is sensitive to touch, a user can direct the computer and control what is seen on the board by touching the surface with a stylus, finger, or the like. [1/2 definitions]