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long jump in competitive track sports, a jump for horizontal distance with a running start.
metric mile in track and field events, a distance of 1500 meters.
monitor to detect, keep track of, or check the quality of (television or radio signals) with a receiver. [1/11 definitions]
mudder a racehorse that runs well on a muddy track.
multitrack combined form of track.
narrow gauge a railroad track with a distance between the rails that is less than the standard width of 56.5 inches or 143.5 centimeters. (Cf. broad gauge, standard gauge.) [2 definitions]
one-track possessing a single track. [1/2 definitions]
OTB abbreviation of "off-track betting."
oval an oval course or track for racing. [1/3 definitions]
paddock in horse racing, an area near the track where horses are saddled and riders mounted before a race. [1/2 definitions]
path a track beaten by the feet of people or animals. [1/4 definitions]
racecourse a track or route along which races are run.
racetrack a track or course used for racing.
railroad crossing the place where one railroad track intersects another, or intersects a road at the same level; grade crossing.
roller coaster an amusement park ride in which a small, gravity-propelled train of open cars rides rapidly up and down a curving, winding, track built on trestles.
run down to track down information on (something), or trace the source of (something). [1/6 definitions]
shunt to switch (a vehicle such as a train or railroad car) from one track to another. [2/10 definitions]
sidetrack a railroad track for storing or loading trains; siding. [1/3 definitions]
siding a short segment of railroad track that temporarily accommodates immobile trains, as for loading or for other trains to pass. [1/2 definitions]
ski jump a snow-covered slope or track from which skiers can make jumps. [2 definitions]
slide a smooth, slanted track down which a person or thing can slide; chute. [1/14 definitions]