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line1 means of making a living; trade or profession. [1/21 definitions]
lingo language that is specialized or hard for outsiders to understand, such as a foreign language or the terms of a particular trade, study, or profession.
local a local chapter of a trade union. [1/7 definitions]
logrolling the exchange of political assistance or support, esp. by legislators who trade votes in order to achieve passage of legislation of interest to each. [1/2 definitions]
marketplace the world of trade and commerce. [1/3 definitions]
mart a center for trade; market.
Meiji Restoration a period in Japanese history that is characterized by the downfall of feudalism and the opening of Japan to trade and diplomatic relations with the West.
mercantile of or pertaining to the economic policy by which nations have sought to establish supremacy by their dominant position in trade. [1/2 definitions]
merchant relating to trade or business. [1/4 definitions]
merchant marine the ships of a nation that are used in commerce or trade. [1/2 definitions]
metalworker one whose trade or hobby is metalworking.
metalworking the art, process, or trade of making metal objects.
métier a particular field of activity such as a trade; occupation. [1/2 definitions]
mission a group of people sent to a foreign location to establish relations and conduct trade or do diplomatic or religious work. [1/7 definitions]
money any article that is used to represent comparative values and is exchangeable for goods and services; medium of trade. [1/4 definitions]
money market the trade in money or funds as they are borrowed or lent short-term by large agencies or the government.
needlework the skill or trade of producing such work; needlecraft. [1/2 definitions]
open door a policy of admitting, to one country, the people or companies of all other nations on an equal basis for trade or immigration. [1/2 definitions]
organizer one who organizes, esp. by finding members for a trade union. [1/3 definitions]
outtrade combined form of trade.
petrodollar (usu. pl.) funds accumulated by an oil-exporting country as part of a surplus in its trade balance, esp. when they are then lent to or invested in other countries.