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Dumpster trademark for a large metal trash container that is designed to be carried by a special truck.
Ethernet a standard local area network architecture that specifies connection types, devices, and protocols (formerly a Xerox Corporation trademark).
Exercycle trademark for a stationary bicycle used for exercising.
Fathometer trademark for a sonar instrument that measures water depth.
Formica trademark for a heat-resistant and chemical-resistant covering of thermosetting plastic, esp. used on tables and counter tops.
Frisbee trademark for a thin, saucer-shaped plastic disc that is thrown and sails through the air in simple outdoor games.
Go Kart trademark for a particular type of kart.
Harris Tweed trademark for a hand-woven woolen tweed made in the Outer Hebrides islands of Scotland.
Hovercraft trademark for a vehicle able to move rapidly across land or water on air that is produced by powerful fans blowing downward from the craft.
iPad trademark for a tablet computer developed and sold by Apple, Inc.
iPhone trademark for a type of mobile telephone that includes an internet browser, camera, and music player.
iPod trademark for a pocket-sized digital audio player with a large storage capacity, primarily used to collect and play back downloaded digital music files.
Jacuzzi trademark for a type of bath equipped with air jets that create a whirlpool effect.
Jarlsberg trademark for a buttery mild cheese of Norway.
Jaws of Life trademark for an air-pressured tool having a pincerlike device able to rip apart a badly damaged vehicle in order to free a person trapped within.
jeep (cap.) trademark. [1/2 definitions]
Jell-O trademark for a sweetened, fruit-flavored gelatin dessert.
Jimmies trademark for small chocolate sprinkles eaten esp. on ice cream.
Kewpie trademark for a small doll with plump rosy cheeks and large eyes.
Kitty Litter trademark for a granular material used to absorb the waste of household pets, esp. cats.
Klaxon trademark for a loud electric horn.