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Klaxon trademark for a loud electric horn.
Kleenex trademark for a soft fluffy tissue paper dispensed in individually folded, layered units and used in place of a handkerchief. [1/2 definitions]
label a distinctive sign or trademark for a product, esp. a phonograph record, or its manufacturer. [1/7 definitions]
Laundromat trademark for a commercial laundry facility having coin-operated washers and dryers. [1/2 definitions]
Levi's trademark for close-fitting trousers usu. of denim or corduroy.
Librium trademark for a drug, chlordiazepoxide, used as a tranquilizer.
Liederkranz trademark for a soft strong-flavored cheese.
Linotype trademark for a typesetting machine that prints a full line with one bar.
loafer (cap.) trademark for a casual slip-on shoe with a flat heel. [1/2 definitions]
logotype a company's name, trademark, or symbol on a piece of type. [1/2 definitions]
Lucite trademark for a clear plastic used esp. as a glass substitute.
Luger trademark for an automatic pistol manufactured in Germany.
Mace trademark for a chemical spray used to temporarily stun an attacker or control a large mob of people. [1/2 definitions]
Mailgram trademark for a telegram processed through the postal service.
Mary Janes trademark for a girl's patent leather low-heeled dress shoe having a strap that crosses the instep.
Masonite trademark for a board made of pressed wood fibers, used for insulation, partitioning, and the like.
Mercurochrome trademark for merbromin, a red antiseptic solution used for minor wounds.
Minicam trademark for a portable television camera.
Muzak trademark for recorded background music available to commercial establishments by subscription through wire or radio. [1/2 definitions]
Mylar trademark for an extremely strong, thin polyester produced in sheets and used to make tapes, films, and the like.
name brand a product bearing a well-known trademark. [2 definitions]