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from scratch in baking or cooking, combining basic individual ingredients and using traditional methods, as opposed to using store-bought prepared ingredients which allow for reducing steps in the baking or cooking process. [1/2 definitions]
hanbok traditional Korean clothing, esp. a garment consisting of a short, long-sleeved jacket and a very high-waisted flowing skirt.
iconoclast one who attacks and seeks to break down traditional beliefs and institutions or popular ideas and values. [1/2 definitions]
jack-o'-lantern a traditional Halloween lamp made from a pumpkin by removing the pulp, carving a face through the shell, and placing a candle in the bottom.
japan an ornamental object that has been carved and lacquered in a traditional Japanese manner. [1/4 definitions]
khan1 a traditional title of respect given to officials or rulers in Afghanistan, India, Iran, Pakistan, and other Asian countries. [1/2 definitions]
mariachi a street band in Mexico, its members often playing dance music and wearing traditional costumes. [1/3 definitions]
miss2 (cap.) the traditional title of an unmarried woman, preceding the surname, and currently often replaced by "Ms.". [1/2 definitions]
modern art artistic production associated with a movement in art that began in the late 19th century and continued through the late 20th century, during which period an interest in realism and the use of traditional materials diminished and an interest in abstraction and experimentation with materials flourished.
moxa in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine, a preparation made from a type of wormwood plant that is applied to the skin either as a cauterizing agent or a counterirritant.
nihilism a philosophy that holds that there is no objective basis for moral truths and therefore traditional values are meaningless. [1/3 definitions]
nontraditional combined form of traditional.
odori traditional Japanese dance, or a particular set of dance movements in the traditional style.
old-line traditional or reactionary in behavior or belief. [2 definitions]
old school those committed to traditional or established custom. [1/2 definitions]
plant medicine a traditional practice in which herbs and plant extracts are used to treat disease; herbal medicine. [1/3 definitions]
Punchinello the chief comic character in a traditional Italian puppet show who is the prototype of Punch, or a person resembling this character.
quantum bit a fundamental unit of information in quantum computing that is equivalent to the binary bit used in traditional computing; qubit. Whereas the binary bit can only exist in two states (0 or 1), the quantum bit can exist in three states (0, 1, or 0 and 1 simultaneously).
qubit a fundamental unit of information in quantum computing that is equivalent to the binary bit used in traditional computing; quantum bit. Whereas the binary bit can only exist in two states (0 or 1), the qubit can exist in three states (0, 1, or 0 and 1 simultaneously).
raga any of numerous traditional Hindu melodic patterns, each with specific progressions and rhythms, upon which the musician improvises.
scholasticism strict adherence to traditional teachings, doctrines, and methodology. [1/2 definitions]