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multilane having more than one lane of traffic going in each direction, as a highway.
navigation traffic by ship, esp. commercial shipping. [1/4 definitions]
point system a system of penalizing drivers a certain number of points for each traffic offense, a driver's license being suspended when a certain total is reached. [1/4 definitions]
port authority a government agency concerned with the road, air, and water traffic of a port or city.
pothole a hole in the surface of a road, usu. caused by weather or traffic. [1/2 definitions]
red light a red-colored electric light at an intersection indicating that traffic is to stop; stoplight. [1/2 definitions]
roadblock a barricade placed across the road to stop traffic and allow for inspection by police or to stop movement of the enemy by a military force. [1/3 definitions]
road hog one who drives so as to obstruct other traffic moving in the same direction, as by occupying parts of both lanes simultaneously.
road test a test of a person's driving skill that is conducted, in normal traffic, by an official examiner, esp. as a requirement for a driver's license. [1/2 definitions]
rotary a traffic circle. [1/4 definitions]
roundabout (chiefly British) a circular road junction, in which traffic moves in one direction only, that is situated at a busy intersection to facilitate traffic flow; traffic circle. [1/2 definitions]
rush hour a period of peak traffic, usu. in the morning and late afternoon, when many people are on their way to or from work.
safety zone an area in a roadway from which vehicular traffic is excluded for the protection of pedestrians.
scofflaw one who habitually flouts or ignores laws or fails to pay penalties such as traffic fines.
sound effects artificially produced sounds, as of thunder, traffic, or animal noise, for theater, radio, film, or television.
stoplight a traffic light or signal. [1/2 definitions]
subway (chiefly British) a passage or tunnel beneath a road, railway, or the like, that allows for pedestrian traffic; underpass. [1/3 definitions]
superblock an urban area, much larger than a city block, usu. closed to traffic, and having residences and commercial, social, and recreational facilities.
ticket a legal summons, as for a traffic or parking violation. [1/10 definitions]
tie-up a temporary stoppage, as of traffic, service, or production, caused by some obstruction, accident, breakdown, or the like.
trade to carry out a business of selling; deal; traffic (usu. fol. by "in"). [1/11 definitions]