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Dictionary Suite
esoteric understood or known only by a few persons who have special training, access, or interests. [1/2 definitions]
exercise a military training operation or war game. [2/10 definitions]
external degree a college or university diploma awarded to a nonmatriculated student who has earned credit through work experience, nonacademic training, independent study, or the passing of proficiency examinations.
falconry the art of training and using falcons for hunting.
finishing school a private school at the secondary or junior college level for the training of young women, esp. in the social graces and accomplishments appropriate to polite society.
folk medicine the treatment of illness by people without formal medical training, based on common sense, tradition, or superstition, and often using herbs and other natural remedies.
hackamore a simple bitless bridle of rope or rawhide with a reinforced noseband and single rope rein which together exert controlling pressure on the nose of a horse, used esp. for training.
hike to take a long walk in a natural area, esp. over rugged terrain, as for enjoyment, exercise, or training. [2/6 definitions]
ignorance the condition or fact of being ignorant; lack of education, knowledge, training, or the like.
inbred deep-seated as a result of early training, experience, or inheritance. [1/2 definitions]
internship an educational or training program providing a period of practical experience, offered esp. by professional groups and corporations. [1/3 definitions]
Job Corps a U.S. Government program that provides job training for underprivileged young people.
liberal arts the subjects that make up a college degree program, such as literature, history, and philosophy, that emphasize the development of cultural awareness and critical skills rather than practical training for a career or profession.
manager one who is responsible for the training of an athlete or athletic team. [1/3 definitions]
manège the art of training and riding horses in the classical style. [1/3 definitions]
maneuver (pl.) a series of such movements used as a military training exercise. [1/8 definitions]
midshipman a student or recent graduate of naval officer training. (See cadet.)
Montessori method a system for teaching young children that encourages self-motivated education, the training of the senses, and early development of reading and writing skills.
nomenclature a specialized system or set of names and terms used in a particular science, art, or other field of study or training.
nurse practitioner a registered nurse with advanced training who specializes in certain medical practices or therapies under the auspices of a doctor.
occupational therapy therapy consisting of work designed to provide mental diversion or a creative outlet, exercise to heal or correct a physical deficiency or injury, or training in vocational skills.