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tsetse fly a bloodsucking African fly, some species of which transmit sleeping sickness and other infections to humans and domestic animals.
vane any of a variety of bladelike devices, as on a turbine or windmill, mounted on rotors to use or transmit the energy of wind, rushing water, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
venom the poisonous fluid that certain snakes, insects, scorpions, and other animals produce and transmit to their prey by biting or stinging. [1/2 definitions]
webcam a camera designed to take digital photographs and transmit them over the Internet or other network, or to stream live video.
word processor a computerized device, such as an electronic typewriter, or combination of devices, such as a video screen, program, memory, and printer, used to generate, edit, print, store, duplicate, or transmit text. [1/2 definitions]