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gaff a trick; hoax. [2/6 definitions]
gimmick a hidden trick or scheme, often used to deceive. [2/3 definitions]
gull2 to trick; cheat. [1/2 definitions]
hoax an act of deception, esp. a humorous or mischievous trick. [1/3 definitions]
hoodwink to trick, deceive, or dupe.
humbug to trick or defraud (someone). [1/8 definitions]
jape something said or done as a joke or trick. [1/3 definitions]
juggle a dishonest or deceptive stratagem; ploy; trick. [1/8 definitions]
knack an established trick or way of doing something that can be learned through practice. [1/2 definitions]
monkeyshine (informal; usu. pl.) a playful, teasing, or mischievous prank or trick.
play hob with to treat or trick mischievously.
practical joke a playful or mischievous trick played on someone, often causing embarrassment or discomfort.
prank a playful or mischievous trick; stunt.
rope (informal) to trick, mislead, or press into service against one's will (often fol. by "into"). [1/8 definitions]
ruse a trick, pretense, or diversion intended to deceive or mislead.
sell (someone) a bill of goods (informal) to trick or defraud.
shanghai to trick or kidnap and then force into service, esp. as a sailor.
shell game a deceitful or fraudulent game, trick, scheme, or the like; swindle. [1/2 definitions]
skin game any dishonest or fraudulent scheme or trick; swindle.
stratagem a plan or trick to deceive, surprise, or outwit an opponent, esp. as a military maneuver. [2 definitions]
take to obtain possession of through force, skill, or trick; seize; capture. [1/36 definitions]