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revers a trim made in imitation of this. [1/2 definitions]
ruche a strip of pleated or gathered trim, as of lace or fine muslin, usu. used as a trimming for the neck or wrists of a dress.
shear to trim the fleece or hair from. [1/7 definitions]
shirring a drawing up or gathering up of cloth on three or more parallel threads, or a trim made by this method.
sleek trim and smooth in appearance and operation. [1/4 definitions]
snug trim, compact, and built well, as a boat; seaworthy. [1/4 definitions]
spokeshave a cutting or planing tool consisting of a blade set between two handles, used to trim and smooth curved surfaces of wood.
swansdown the soft down of a swan, used esp. as a decorative trim or cosmetic puff. [1/2 definitions]
titivate to make or become dapper or trim; spruce up.
trim in a trim fashion or manner. [1/13 definitions]
trimming an act or instance of giving someone or something a trim. [1/5 definitions]
whittle to cut or pare small bits or thin layers from (a piece of wood), or to trim or shape (it) by so doing. [1/3 definitions]