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nonsense anything useless or trivial. [1/4 definitions]
nontrivial combined form of trivial.
penny-wise skilled or careful in small or trivial matters, or matters that concern small amounts of money. (Cf. pound-foolish.)
petty of little importance, interest, or consequence; trivial. [1/4 definitions]
picayune anything trifling, small, or trivial. [1/4 definitions]
piddling having no or very little significance; negligible; trivial.
pimping insignificant or trivial.
platitude an overused, dull, or trivial remark; hackneyed expression; cliché. [1/2 definitions]
quibble an unimportant, petty, or trivial disagreement or objection. [3 definitions]
serious not trivial; weighty. [1/6 definitions]
small of limited importance; trivial. [1/9 definitions]
squabble to quarrel over trivial matters; bicker. [2 definitions]
stickle to argue stubbornly, esp. over trivial matters. [1/2 definitions]
superficial interested only in what is trivial or readily apparent. [1/5 definitions]
trifling of little importance, meaning, or value; slight; trivial. [1/2 definitions]
triviality something that is trivial. [1/2 definitions]
twaddle silly, trivial, or meaningless talk or writing.
unessential not necessary; trivial. [1/2 definitions]
vain lacking significance or value; trivial. [1/4 definitions]