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Dictionary Suite
pickup a small truck with a flat bed and low sides. [1/5 definitions]
semi (informal) a tractor-trailer truck; semitrailer.
ship to place on, take on, or transport by ship, truck, or other vehicle. [1/6 definitions]
skid a low, usu. wooden platform for supporting and moving heavy objects, as with a forklift truck. [1/8 definitions]
sport-utility vehicle a passenger vehicle that combines the seating capacity of a large car or van with the power of a truck.
SUV abbreviation of "sport-utility vehicle," a passenger vehicle that combines the seating capacity of a large car or van with the power of a truck.
tailgate a hinged panel or board at the rear of a truck, station wagon, or wagon that can be let down for loading or unloading. [1/2 definitions]
tandem a bicycle, truck, or the like that has duplicate parts, such as seats or axles, arranged one behind the other. [1/5 definitions]
tanker an airplane, ship, or truck designed to transport oil or other liquids in bulk.
teamster one who drives a team or truck to transport goods, esp. as an occupation.
tow truck a truck equipped to tow disabled or illegally parked vehicles; wrecker.
tractor a short truck, consisting only of a driver's cab, that is connected to and used to drive a long van or trailer. [1/2 definitions]
tractor-trailer a truck tractor to which a trailer or semitrailer is attached.
truck1 to transport or convey by truck. [3/8 definitions]
truckage the conveying of goods by truck, or the charge made for this service.
trucker a person who drives a truck; truck driver. [1/2 definitions]
trucking the process or business of transporting goods by truck.
truck stop a business along a highway usu. consisting of a restaurant and gas station, and having truck drivers as its main customers.
wrecker a truck equipped to tow wrecked or disabled vehicles; tow truck. [1/3 definitions]