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slue1 to twist (a ship's mast or the like) around on its axis. [1/5 definitions]
spill2 a thin piece of wood or twist of paper used to light a flame. [1/2 definitions]
spin to draw out, twist, and wind (fibers), or to make (thread or yarn) by this process. [1/15 definitions]
sprain to twist or overstrain (a body joint) so that ligaments are stretched or torn. [1/3 definitions]
squirm to twist about; writhe; wriggle. [1/3 definitions]
throw out put (something) out of alignment, esp. to twist or strain (a part of one's body), causing dislocation and pain. [1/7 definitions]
torticollis in medicine, a condition in which involuntary contractions of the neck muscles cause the head to twist to one side.
torture to twist or force out of shape; distort. [1/5 definitions]
twine to twist or wind together (strands or fibers). [3/9 definitions]
twirl to twist or turn around. [1/6 definitions]
warp to bend or twist out of shape, esp. from a flat or straight form. [2/10 definitions]
wattle to twist or weave to form wattle. [1/5 definitions]
wind2 a single turn, twist, or rotation. [1/11 definitions]
wisp to twist (something) into, or form, a wisp or wisps. [1/4 definitions]
wreathe to make into a wreath; bend, twist, or weave. [2/6 definitions]
wrench to twist suddenly and with force. [8/13 definitions]
wrest to take, take away, or obtain with or as if with a forcible twist or yank. [2/3 definitions]
wriggle to twist and turn one's body with squirming movements; wiggle. [1/6 definitions]
wring to twist and squeeze tightly, as between the hands or between rollers. [2/7 definitions]
writhe to twist and turn the body as in pain, discomfort, struggle, or embarrassment; squirm. [2/5 definitions]
wryneck either of two woodpeckers found in the Eastern Hemisphere that can twist their necks into contortions. [1/3 definitions]