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flightless unable to fly, as ostriches and certain other birds.
fogbound unable to move because of fog, or surrounded by fog.
forget to lose information that is stored in memory, or to be unable to store new information. [1/10 definitions]
frozen fixed in place or made unable to move or change. [1/4 definitions]
fruitless unable to bring forth fruit. [1/2 definitions]
frustrated feeling upset or angry because of being unable to do what one needs to do or being unable to solve a problem that one wants to solve.
full1 unable to hold or contain any more. [1/8 definitions]
groggy confused, dizzy, or feeling unable to wake up.
grounded (informal) unable to go out for recreation alone or with friends due to being punished for bad behavior. [1/2 definitions]
hard of hearing unable to hear well.
helpless unable to take care of oneself. [1/2 definitions]
illiteracy the condition of being unable to read and write. [1/3 definitions]
impacted of a tooth, unable to break through the skin because of confinement by bone. [1/2 definitions]
impatience the quality or condition of being unable to wait calmly or bear annoyances.
impervious unable to be injured or damaged. [1/3 definitions]
imponderable unable to be evaluated or calculated accurately. [1/2 definitions]
inactivate to render inactive or unable to function or spread; halt the activity or operation of.
inarticulate unable to express oneself clearly and effectively. [1/5 definitions]
incoherent unable to reason properly; irrational; rambling. [1/2 definitions]
incompatible unable to coexist peacefully; incongruous. [3/6 definitions]
indecisive tending to hesitate or vacillate; unable to decide easily. [1/2 definitions]