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osmosis a gradual, subtle, and usu. unconscious absorption, as of ideals or mannerisms. [1/2 definitions]
out senseless, unconscious, or in a sleep-like state. [1/29 definitions]
psychodynamics (used with sing. verb) the psychological study and analysis of the unconscious processes of behavior and its motivation.
put out (informal) to make (someone) unconscious with the use of anesthesia. [1/11 definitions]
racist holding or embodying the conscious or unconscious view that racial groups as a whole have inherent differences in character or abilities that can be judged as superior or inferior. [1/7 definitions]
senseless without sensation; unconscious. [1/3 definitions]
stun to daze or render unconscious, as by a blow, fall, or electric shock. [1/3 definitions]
zonk (slang) to become unconscious from drugs, exhaustion, or the like (usu. fol. by "out"). [1/3 definitions]