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coma1 a long, deep state of being unconscious, caused by disease or injury.
comatose in a coma; unconscious. [1/2 definitions]
complex a set of desires, memories, and impulses that operate together in a person's unconscious mind and cause certain patterns of feeling, thought, and action. [1/5 definitions]
death wish a usu. unconscious desire for one's own or another's death.
defense mechanism in psychology, an unconscious process that submerges or opposes ideas or actions that would be painful or inappropriate. [1/2 definitions]
depth psychology the psychological study of the unconscious mind.
dryness quiet, seemingly unconscious humor. [1/3 definitions]
ego in psychoanalytic theory, the personality component that mediates between the unconscious drives and external reality. [1/5 definitions]
ether a liquid that makes a person unable to think, feel, or move. Ether burns easily, has a strong smell, and was once used in medicine to make people unconscious during surgery.
faint very tired, dizzy, or about to become unconscious. [3/4 definitions]
Freudian slip a mistake in speech that is thought to reveal unconscious motives, wishes, or the like.
ideomotor in psychology, of or denoting an unconscious physical motion that is stimulated by an idea.
insensate temporarily without normal sensations; unconscious. [1/3 definitions]
insensible without normal sensations; unconscious. [1/4 definitions]
involuntary not subject to conscious control; unconscious or automatic. [1/2 definitions]
knockout the act of striking a person down and rendering him or her unconscious. [1/3 definitions]
knock out to cause (someone) to become unconscious, or to powerfully cause to go to sleep. [1/5 definitions]
lifeless having or appearing to have no life; unconscious. [1/2 definitions]
narcotic a drug that causes a person to become sleepy or unconscious and that may be used as a medicine to dull pain or cause sleep. Narcotics can be dangerous when not used as a medicine and can become hard to give up.
off into an unconscious state. [1/37 definitions]
osmosis a gradual, subtle, and usu. unconscious absorption, as of ideals or mannerisms. [1/2 definitions]