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Pandora's box a source of unexpected problems or ills.
pitfall an unexpected or hidden danger. [1/2 definitions]
qualm an abrupt and unexpected faint, nauseated, or sick feeling. [1/2 definitions]
queer strange, unusual, or unexpected; eccentric; odd. [1/6 definitions]
quirk a sudden, sharp, and unexpected turn or shift. [2/3 definitions]
recoil to cause damage by an unexpected return of negative effect. [1/5 definitions]
rude violent and unexpected. [1/5 definitions]
sally an unexpected or sudden burst of activity or emotion; outburst. [1/7 definitions]
SIDS acronym of "sudden infant death syndrome," the unexpected death of a seemingly healthy infant, usu. occurring within the first year of life, and usu. occurring in the infant's sleep; crib death.
snag a hidden or unexpected problem or impediment; obstacle. [1/7 definitions]
startling causing one to move suddenly or involuntarily because loud, sudden, or unexpected. [1/2 definitions]
sucker-punch to strike (someone) with a quick, unexpected blow.
sucker punch a quick, unexpected blow or punch.
sudden infant death syndrome the unexpected death of a seemingly healthy infant, usu. occurring within the first year of life, and usu. occurring in the infant's sleep; crib death.
supervene to take place later in the course of something as a change, interruption, or unexpected addition. [1/2 definitions]
surprise anything unexpected. [1/8 definitions]
surprising unexpected; unanticipated. [1/2 definitions]
take by surprise to come to (someone) as something completely unexpected. [1/2 definitions]
twist a sudden or unexpected change in an otherwise predictable or even pattern. [1/19 definitions]
unhoped-for not hoped for; unexpected.
unlooked-for not anticipated; unexpected.