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hat a special kind of head covering worn, often as part of a uniform, in order to display one's rank, position, or occupation. [1/2 definitions]
homogeneous having the same structure, nature, or texture throughout; uniform. (Cf. heterogeneous.) [1/2 definitions]
irregular of manufactured articles, not uniform or conforming to a standard. [1/10 definitions]
jack the face card of lowest value in a deck of cards, which usu. depicts a young man in uniform or livery; knave. [1/7 definitions]
livery a uniform worn by a male servant such as a footman or chauffeur. [1/4 definitions]
mess jacket a man's close-fitting, waist-length jacket, worn as part of a uniform.
mufti civilian dress, esp. as worn by someone ordinarily in military uniform.
nonuniform combined form of uniform.
old style a style of print type originating in the eighteenth century, in which the letters had a fairly uniform narrowness and slanting serifs. [1/2 definitions]
olive drab a uniform made from this cloth. [1/3 definitions]
plug (informal) to work in a uniform, often uninspired way (often fol. by "away" or "along"). [1/10 definitions]
purée a food that has been reduced to a uniform, pulpy consistency, as by straining. [1/2 definitions]
regiment to organize in a uniform and systematic manner. [1/4 definitions]
regular following fixed or uniform rules or procedures. [1/12 definitions]
rhythm in the visual arts, a uniform pattern resulting from the recurrence of colors, lines, or shapes. [1/5 definitions]
Sam Browne belt a waist belt with a diagonal strap over the right shoulder, worn as part of a military or police uniform, esp. as support for a pistol.
service stripe a stripe worn on the left sleeve of a military uniform to show the amount of time the wearer has spent in active military service.
shoulder patch an identifying patch worn on the upper arm of a military uniform, showing the wearer's branch of service, rank, or unit.
shoulder strap a strip on the shoulder of an officer's uniform to indicate rank. [1/2 definitions]
slat one of several long narrow strips of wood or metal arranged in a uniform row, such as mattress supports, window blinds, the seat of a bench, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
solid uniform, as in color. [1/14 definitions]