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solid uniform, as in color. [1/14 definitions]
stamp a tool, such as a die or a carved wooden or rubber block, used for stamping or for cutting out uniform shapes. [1/15 definitions]
strip2 a long, narrow piece or area of mostly uniform width. [1/3 definitions]
stripe1 a band of cloth or braid worn on a uniform, often as an indication of time served. [1/5 definitions]
tunic a close-fitting short coat, often with a stiff high collar, worn as part of a uniform by soldiers or the like. [1/4 definitions]
umbel a flower cluster in which flower stalks of nearly uniform length sprout from the same point on the main stem, as in the carrot plant.
uniform to cause to be uniform. [2/5 definitions]
uniformity the state or quality of being uniform; overall sameness.
uniform resource locator an address identifying the location of a file on the Internet, commonly called a "URL." A uniform resource locator, or URL, consists of the computer on which the file is located and the file's location on that computer.
URL abbreviation of "uniform resource locator," an address identifying the location of a file on the Internet, consisting of an identifier for the computer on which the file is located and the file's location on that computer.
zone an area in which one uniform rate is charged for use, as in transportation. [1/11 definitions]
Zouave a member of any military unit adopting a similar uniform and drill, esp. any of certain volunteers in the U.S. Civil War. [1/2 definitions]