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field house a large building, usu. located at a college or university, suitable for indoor athletic activities, esp. track events, basketball, or gymnastics. [1/2 definitions]
freshman a first-year student at a high school, college, or university. [1/4 definitions]
full professor a teacher of the highest rank at a college or university.
graduate to be given a degree or diploma upon completing studies at a school, college, or university. [1/6 definitions]
graduation the conferring or receiving of a degree or diploma for the completion of study at a school, college, or university. [1/4 definitions]
gymnasium in countries such as Germany, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, a secondary school for students who wish to prepare for university. [1/3 definitions]
Harvard see "Harvard University."
Harvard University an Ivy League university in the U.S. founded in 1636 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, considered a world center for research and scholarship.
HBCU abbreviation of "historically Black college or university."
homecoming a weekend of special events when alumni and alumnae are invited to return to their college or university. [1/2 definitions]
instructor one who teaches or instructs, esp. a teacher at a college or university.
interuniversity combined form of university.
Ivy League an association of eight prestigious colleges and universities in the northeastern United States, including Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania, and Yale. [1/2 definitions]
lecturer a person who gives lectures, esp. at a college or university.
lycée a government-funded secondary school in France that prepares students to enter a university.
M.A. abbreviation of "Master of Arts," a graduate degree, below that of doctor, that is given by a college or university to a person who has completed a prescribed course of graduate study in the humanities or social sciences; master's degree.
magna cum laude with high honors or great praise, indicating second highest status upon graduation from a college or university. (Cf. cum laude, summa cum laude.)
major a student's main field of study at a college or university. (Cf. minor.) [1/6 definitions]
Master of Arts a graduate degree, below that of doctor, that is given by a college or university to a person who has completed a prescribed course of graduate study in the humanities or social sciences; master's degree. (abbr.: M.A.)
matriculate to enroll or be enrolled in an organization, esp. a college or university. [2 definitions]
open admissions the policy of admitting any student who desires to attend a university, regardless of proficiency.