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Dictionary Suite
interface clear or useful communication or interaction. [1/7 definitions]
lifetime the predicted or typical duration of useful function, as of a product. [1/3 definitions]
made-to-order exceptionally fitting, suitable, useful, or desirable. [1/2 definitions]
ore a mineral or rock substance from which a metal or other useful element or compound can be extracted.
overage1 too old to be useful, as in a particular job. [1/2 definitions]
overburden soil or rock that overlies either bedrock or a deposit of coal or other useful material. [1/2 definitions]
picking (pl.) leftover but useful items of something, as of food. [1/3 definitions]
practical useful in reality or capable of being put into use; workable. [1/5 definitions]
productive producing useful or helpful results; constructive. [1/4 definitions]
purposive serving a purpose; useful. [1/2 definitions]
questionnaire a list of questions aimed at gathering useful information.
radius the field or extent of useful operation, influence, or jurisdiction. [1/7 definitions]
reclamation the process of recovering useful materials from materials intended to be discarded. [1/3 definitions]
reconnaissance the act or process of examining an area, esp. to gain militarily useful information.
right-hand most helpful or useful; relied on. [1/3 definitions]
rule of thumb a useful general principle or method based on practical experience rather than scientific proof.
storable capable of remaining fresh or useful during long periods in storage. [1/2 definitions]
strength a characteristic of a person or thing that stands out as good or useful; a good point. [1/9 definitions]
subserve to be useful in attempting to achieve (a purpose or goal).
suggestion that which is verbally offered as something that might be possible, useful, helpful, or enjoyable. [1/6 definitions]
time-tested proven effective, useful, or durable over a long period of time.