reverse search

Dictionary Suite
search box in computing, a box in a graphical user interface for typed input into a program that attempts to find matching terms in a file or collection of files.
search engine a software program that searches a database or network, esp. the Internet, for data, files, or documents containing terms specified by the user.
shortcut in computing, a specific combination of keys on the keyboard that performs a task or function when pressed together. Using a particular combination of keys to make a request of the computer generally saves the user time. [1/3 definitions]
sign in to sign or write your name, along with the time, to show that you have arrived, or to enter a digital account by typing in a user ID and password.
stilt either of two long, slender poles with footrests that enable the user to walk elevated above the ground. [1/3 definitions]
tab on a computer screen, a graphic image resembling a flap, which, when clicked on, brings the user to a different page or shows the user navigational options. [2/7 definitions]
teaching machine a mechanical device used for programmed instruction, providing the user with an immediate response to his or her work.
text box a box on a computer screen that allows the user to type in text that can then be used by the program.
touch screen a touch-sensitive display screen on a computer that enables the user to interact with the computer.
user one who uses a computer; end user. [1/3 definitions]
user ID in computing, a name, usually an alphanumeric string of characters, that allows a user to gain access to a computer system or network with multiple users. A user ID, also called a "username," is used in conjunction with a password.
username in computing, a name, usually an alphanumeric string of characters, that allows a user to gain access to a computer system or network with multiple users. A username, also called a "user ID," is used in conjunction with a password.
whiteboard shortened form of "interactive whiteboard," a large electronic display surface that is positioned on a wall or stand and connected with a computer and projector, allowing for the projection of a computer's screen onto the display. As the display is sensitive to touch, a user can direct the computer and control what is seen on the board by touching the surface with a stylus, finger, or the like. [1/2 definitions]