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MVP abbreviation of "most valuable player."
outweigh to be more important or more valuable than. [1/2 definitions]
pearl a person or thing considered to be beautiful or valuable. [1/8 definitions]
rich having a great amount of money or valuable property. [2/8 definitions]
riches valuable or precious goods in abundance. [1/2 definitions]
sable a weasel-like mammal of the cold regions of Eurasia that has very dark, valuable fur. [1/6 definitions]
sacrifice the surrender of something valuable or beloved as an act of devotion or in exchange for some perceived higher good. [1/11 definitions]
safe-deposit of or designating secure storage for valuable items, as in a bank vault or lockbox; safety deposit.
semiprecious of gems, classed as less valuable than diamonds, rubies, or the like.
serendipity lucky coincidence or accidental discovery of something pleasant or valuable. [1/2 definitions]
stake2 (often pl.) anything valuable that can be won or lost. [1/6 definitions]
tin seeming valuable; counterfeit. [1/8 definitions]
treasure chest any place or thing that is rich with valuable, desirable, or delightful things or experiences. [1/2 definitions]
treasure-trove any valuable discovery. [1/2 definitions]
trove a collection of valuable or desirable things; treasure-trove.
value to regard as important or valuable; esteem highly. [1/8 definitions]
vault1 a strongly built room or compartment in which valuable things are stored, as in a bank. [1/7 definitions]
white elephant a possession, often valuable, causing much trouble and expense for its owner, while having little use. [1/3 definitions]
white pine the wood of this tree, very valuable as lumber. [1/2 definitions]
worth good, valuable, or important enough to warrant. [1/8 definitions]
worthwhile valuable or rewarding enough to be worth the expenditure of time and energy.