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Mira a red variable star in the constellation Cetus, having a widely fluctuating magnitude between 2.0 and 10.0.
Orion a large winter constellation in the northern sky, located between Taurus and Canis Major and containing a red variable supergiant, Betelgeuse, a blue-white supergiant, Rigel, and two nebulae. [1/2 definitions]
parameter a constant or variable term in a mathematical expression that restricts or determines the form of that expression. [1/3 definitions]
Perseus an autumn constellation in the northern sky, located between Auriga and Andromeda and containing Algol, a variable eclipsing binary star. [1/2 definitions]
Polaris a variable binary star near the north celestial pole in the constellation Ursa Minor, having a magnitude of 2.1; North Star.
polyandry in botany, the condition of having a large and variable number of stamens per flower. [1/3 definitions]
protean easily changing form or character; variable or versatile. [1/2 definitions]
quadratic of, concerning, or involving mathematical expressions containing a variable that is raised to the second power at most. [1/2 definitions]
radicand in mathematics, the number, variable, or quantity under a radical sign.
Seyfert galaxy any of numerous spiral galaxies that have a small bright nucleus and emit light and radio waves of variable intensity.
sub shortened form of "submarine sandwich," a large sandwich consisting of a long roll filled with a variable assortment of meats, cheeses, vegetables, and condiments; hero sandwich. [1/5 definitions]
submarine sandwich a large sandwich consisting of a long roll filled with a variable assortment of meats, cheeses, vegetables, and condiments; hero sandwich.
unequal uneven or inconsistent; variable. [1/5 definitions]
unsettled not fixed, stable, or constant; variable or changeable, as the weather. [1/6 definitions]
up-and-down variable, fluctuating, or changing. [1/3 definitions]
variance the act, quality, or state of being different, divergent, or variable, or something having this quality. [1/7 definitions]
variometer in electronics, a variable inductor consisting of two coils, the positions of which may alter the electromagnetic inductance. [1/2 definitions]
x2 someone or something whose specific identity is unknown, such as a variable in algebra. [1/6 definitions]