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Dictionary Suite
crevice a narrow opening, as in vertical rock or a wall; crack; fissure.
cross a symbol or structure formed by a vertical line or pole intersecting a horizontal one. [1/16 definitions]
cross hairs the two fine hairs, wires, or the like, one vertical and the other horizontal, that cross at right angles in an optical instrument such as a gunsight and that aid the viewer in aiming or focusing accurately.
crossword a puzzle in which the player must guess words from numbered clues and enter them in the correspondingly numbered series of vertical or horizontal squares; crossword puzzle.
crossword puzzle a puzzle in which the player must guess words from numbered clues and enter them in the correspondingly numbered series of vertical or horizontal squares.
doorjamb one of the vertical sides of a doorframe; doorpost.
double bar two heavy vertical lines on a musical staff used to indicate the end of a piece or of a major subdivision of a piece.
double-breasted having the sides overlap each other by a wide margin on the breast or front, and usu. having a double vertical row of buttons, as a jacket or coat. (Cf. single-breasted.) [1/2 definitions]
double dagger a sign consisting of a small vertical line crossed by two smaller horizontal lines, used as a reference mark, as for a footnote; diesis.
downspout a vertical drainpipe that carries rainwater or melted snow from a roof or gutter to the ground.
elevator a machine which raises or lifts, esp. a platform or enclosure in a vertical shaft, with its equipment and parts, used to raise and lower people or goods from one level to another in a building. [1/3 definitions]
erect not spreading or inclined; vertical. [3/7 definitions]
fagoting a technique for trimming or decorating cloth with crisscross stitches across an open seam, or with vertical threads tied at midpoint in bundles spaced across a section with no horizontal threads.
fastigiate vertical and almost parallel, as some tree branches. [1/2 definitions]
fipple flute a recorder or other vertical flute that has a slitted wedgelike plug, or fipple, in the mouthpiece.
flageolet a small vertical flute with a fipple, four finger holes, and two thumb holes. [1/2 definitions]
flute one of a number of vertical concave channels or grooves, incised esp. on architectural columns and the like. [1/8 definitions]
gibbet a structure built for execution by hanging and for the public exhibition of those hanged, consisting of a vertical post to which a horizontal beam is attached at the top; gallows. [1/2 definitions]
Greek Cross a cross in which the horizontal and vertical bars are of equal length and intersect at their midpoints at right angles.
gros point a large needlepoint stitch across two horizontal and two vertical threads. [1/2 definitions]
gules the color red in heraldic arms, indicated in an engraving by vertical lines.