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gules the color red in heraldic arms, indicated in an engraving by vertical lines.
half-timbered of a house or other building, having an exposed framework of vertical, horizontal, or diagonal timbers, with the spaces in between filled with plaster or brick.
harrow a farm implement that has spikes or vertical disks mounted on a heavy frame and is used to break up and level plowed ground. [1/4 definitions]
headstand the act of balancing upside down on one's head with the body vertical and usu. supported by the hands and arms.
height vertical extent or altitude; distance up. [1/5 definitions]
high of great vertical extent; elevated; tall. [1/14 definitions]
horizontal parallel to the horizon or to the earth; ninety degrees from vertical.
ichthyosaur any of an extinct variety of marine reptiles that had four flippers, a dolphinlike head, and a vertical caudal fin, and that ranged in length from four to forty feet.
inclination a tilt from the horizontal or vertical, or the degree to which something tilts; slant. [1/5 definitions]
incline to move from or be angled away from a vertical or horizontal position; slant. [1/5 definitions]
inclined at an angle from a horizontal or vertical position; slanted; sloping. [1/2 definitions]
jack-in-the-pulpit a North American wildflower having a single vertical spike with a green and purple sheath that forms a hood over its top.
jackscrew a jack in which the lifting surface is threaded on and operated by a vertical screw.
kingbolt a large, vertical, main bolt, used esp. for joining the front axle and wheels to the body of a wagon or other vehicle.
kingpin a strong vertical pin or bolt that serves as a pivot; kingbolt. [1/3 definitions]
king post in carpentry, a supporting vertical post between the apex of a triangular truss and the horizontal tie beam. (Cf. queen post.)
ledge a narrow, flat, horizontal projection from a vertical surface, esp. from a wall, as at the bottom of a window. [1/3 definitions]
level a device for determining a true horizontal or vertical plane, as in carpentry. [1/15 definitions]
line graph a graph that plots the relationship between two variable quantities, represented on horizontal and vertical axes, by connecting their coordinate points with straight lines.
loop a maneuver in which an airplane is flown in a circle on a vertical plane. [1/11 definitions]
mansard a roof having four nearly vertical slopes topped by a nearly flat slope.