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Dictionary Suite
slow-motion of or pertaining to a method of making or playing films or video tapes in which the projected action is or appears to be slower than the original action. [1/2 definitions]
slow motion a video or photographic effect, used esp. in sports photography, in which the action is made to appear slower by filming it in more frames per second than usual or by filming at normal speed and replaying at a slower speed. [1/2 definitions]
sound bite a very brief statement taken from a video or audio tape for inclusion in a television newscast.
storyboard a large panel or board of drawings presenting a sequence of images as they will appear in a video presentation, film, or advertisement.
VCR abbreviation of "videocassette recorder," a device for recording on and replaying videocassettes, also known as a video recorder.
VDT abbreviation of "video display terminal."
VHS abbreviation of "video home system."
videocassette recorder a device for recording on and replaying videocassettes; video recorder or VCR.
videotex any electronic system for the distribution of data for display on video screens, often allowing for interaction by users via telephone or television; videotext.
webcam a camera designed to take digital photographs and transmit them over the Internet or other network, or to stream live video.
webcast a video broadcast on the World Wide Web.
word processor a computerized device, such as an electronic typewriter, or combination of devices, such as a video screen, program, memory, and printer, used to generate, edit, print, store, duplicate, or transmit text. [1/2 definitions]