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Dictionary Suite
smacking brisk or vigorous; sharp; strong.
spanking brisk, quick, vigorous, or rapid. [1/4 definitions]
spasm any sudden or brief spell of vigorous activity, strong feeling, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
sport recreation, usually requiring skill and often vigorous physical activity. [1/10 definitions]
stalwart physically or mentally strong and vigorous. [1/4 definitions]
stepper a person or animal that steps in a vigorous and spirited manner.
strenuous marked by great effort or energy; vigorous or zealous. [1/2 definitions]
thwack a sharp vigorous blow with something flat. [1/3 definitions]
trenchant vigorous and effective, as an argument or policy. [1/3 definitions]
trustbuster a person, esp. a federal officer, who strives to dissolve business trusts through vigorous use of antitrust statutes.
tug a strong or vigorous pull or pulling force. [1/9 definitions]
two-fisted (informal) aggressive, virile, or vigorous.
vehement extremely forceful, vigorous, or energetic; very strong. [1/2 definitions]
virile forceful, vigorous, or energetic. [1/3 definitions]