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Freedom Rider any of the American civil rights activists who participated in the Freedom Rides, which highlighted and challenged racial discrimination in the United States in the early 1960s. Freedom Riders made bus trips through southern states, demonstrating that public facilities that should have been desegregated according to law were not in fact desegregated. Freedom Riders encountered intense violence along their journeys and many suffered arrest by the police.
gentle without harshness, aggressiveness, or violence. [1/7 definitions]
himsa (Sanskrit) violence. "Himsa" is the opposite of "ahimsa," the principle of nonviolence.
hot spot (informal) a region of social or political unrest, potential violence, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
Kristallnacht the night of November 9, 1938, also known as the "night of broken glass," during which Nazis in Germany, Austria, and other German-occupied regions of central Europe carried out countless acts of violence against Jews and Jewish property, particularly centering on the destruction and ruination of synagogues and Jewish-owned businesses.
mania a psychological disorder characterized by excitability that turns to violence in the acute stages. [1/2 definitions]
maniacal marked by wildness, craziness, and violence.
mob to attack with violence, esp. in a crowd or mob. [1/9 definitions]
mollify to lessen the violence, harshness, or intensity of; temper. [1/3 definitions]
nightrider a member of a band of mounted, often masked men who committed acts of violence and intimidation, esp. in the southern United States after the Civil War.
nonresistant one who does not resist, esp. one who refuses to use violence or force either in self-defense or in opposition to arbitrary or illegal authority. [1/2 definitions]
outrage an act that arouses a strong negative response because of its violence, viciousness, or moral offensiveness. [1/6 definitions]
pacifism refusal to use or acknowledge violence as a means for settling disputes. [1/2 definitions]
pacifist one who opposes war and refuses to practice or acknowledge violence as a way of settling disputes or resisting aggression. [1/3 definitions]
predatory of, pertaining to, or characterized by thievery or violence. [1/3 definitions]
protection (informal) money extorted, as from a business, to guarantee safety from violence or criminal prosecution. [1/4 definitions]
race riot widespread violence or destruction in a community that arises from racial conflict or hatred.
rage intensity or violence of a natural occurrence such as a storm or disease. [2/8 definitions]
ramp to threaten or act with fury and violence; rage. [1/7 definitions]
rend to tear or separate into pieces with force or violence. [1/4 definitions]
ripsnorter (informal) something that is outstanding in excitement, strength, violence, or the like.