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Dictionary Suite
resonance the amplification of vocal sounds with the throat or the chest or nasal cavities. [1/5 definitions]
roulade an ornamentation of solo vocal music comprising a rapid run of notes sung to one syllable. [1/2 definitions]
shout a loud cry, call, or vocal outburst. [1/3 definitions]
syrinx the vocal organ of birds, consisting of a thin vibrating muscle usu. located at or near the point where the trachea divides into the bronchi. [1/2 definitions]
tessitura the general range or pitch of an instrumental or vocal part in a musical composition.
unvoiced pronounced without vibrations of the vocal chords; voiceless. [1/2 definitions]
vocal a vocal sound. [1/6 definitions]
vocal cords either of two pairs of membranous folds in the larynx, the lower of which vibrates when air passes over it, thus producing vocal sounds.
vociferous crying out, esp. in protest; vocal; clamorous. [1/2 definitions]
voice the sounds produced by the vocal chords and uttered through the mouth, esp. by a human being. [2/11 definitions]
whisper to speak in a hushed tone, without vibrating the vocal cords. [3/9 definitions]