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fugue a musical form or composition in which one or more themes are stated by one voice and are then restated and modified in counterpoint in strict order by several voices. [1/2 definitions]
hoarse of the voice, rough and weakened, as from excessive use or respiratory difficulties. [2 definitions]
hoarsen of the voice, to make or become hoarse.
hound a member of any of various breeds of hunting dogs, esp. one that has short hair, a deep voice, and long, drooping ears. [1/6 definitions]
husky1 of the voice, somewhat rasping or hoarse. [1/3 definitions]
inflect to change the pitch or tone of (the voice). [1/4 definitions]
inflection a change in the pitch or tone of a voice; modulation. [1/5 definitions]
intonation the pattern of changes in pitch of the speaking or singing voice. [1/3 definitions]
laryngitis an inflammation of the larynx, usu. marked by difficulty in making the voice audible.
loudmouthed talking or tending to talk in a loud voice. [1/2 definitions]
low1 of a voice, producing sounds or musical notes within the deeper range of pitch. [1/16 definitions]
megaphone a hand-held, funnel-shaped device used to amplify and direct the sound of a voice.
mezzo-soprano a voice range higher than contralto and lower than soprano. [2 definitions]
modulation a change in the volume or tone of voice to reflect a particular emotion or context. [1/3 definitions]
monody an ode recited or sung by a single voice, as in a Greek tragedy. [1/2 definitions]
-mouthed having (such) a mouth, voice, way of speaking, or the like.
mumble to say in a low and indistinct voice. [1/3 definitions]
murmur to say something in a deliberately subdued voice, as to voice a complaint. [2/6 definitions]
music sound that has rhythm, melody, or harmony, usu. produced by voice or instrument. [1/5 definitions]
mutter to grumble or complain in a low voice. [1/4 definitions]
orotund having a full, rich sound, as in voice or speech. [1/2 definitions]