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profane vulgar or obscene. [1/5 definitions]
profanity vulgar, obscene, or irreverent language, or the use thereof; cursing or a curse. [1/2 definitions]
pussy1 (vulgar slang) the vulva. [1/3 definitions]
putz (vulgar) a penis. [1/3 definitions]
raffish low-class or common; cheaply gaudy; vulgar. [1/2 definitions]
ribald characterized by or using rude, coarse, or vulgar language or humor. [1/2 definitions]
screw (vulgar slang) an act or instance of sexual intercourse. [4/17 definitions]
scurrilous characterized by or given to using vulgar or coarse language. [1/2 definitions]
shit (vulgar) fecal matter; excrement. [1/11 definitions]
shitfaced (vulgar slang) drunk.
shithead (vulgar slang) one who is despised, esp. for some sort of wrongheadedness.
shitlist (vulgar slang) a number of persons who are deeply disfavored.
shitty (vulgar slang) contemptible or despicable. [1/3 definitions]
sixty-nine (vulgar slang) mutual simultaneous oral-genital sex activity.
snatch (vulgar slang) the female genitals. [1/8 definitions]
snot (vulgar) nasal mucus. [1/2 definitions]
SOB (slang, often vulgar) abbreviation of "son of a bitch," a hateful or despicable person or thing.
son of a bitch (slang, often vulgar) a hateful or despicable person or thing. [1/2 definitions]
suck (vulgar slang) to perform fellatio on. [1/13 definitions]
take a leak (vulgar slang) to urinate.
tit2 (vulgar slang) a woman's breast. [1/2 definitions]