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legwork (informal) work that requires extensive walking or traveling.
lilt a light, graceful, rhythmic way of moving, esp. walking. [1/3 definitions]
mall a grassy open space, usu. lined with shade trees and used as a public place for walking. [1/4 definitions]
mantis any of various related predatory insects having two pairs of walking legs and one pair of strong forelegs usu. upraised as if in prayer; praying mantis.
moonwalk the walking undertaken by an astronaut on the surface of the moon. [1/2 definitions]
one-step a ballroom dance that consists of an unbroken series of quick walking steps and is danced to ragtime music. [1/3 definitions]
on foot by walking.
on tiptoe standing or walking on the toes, esp. to proceed quietly or cautiously. [1/2 definitions]
pace1 the length of one stride in walking. [1/12 definitions]
patten any of various thick-soled wooden shoes formerly used for walking in mud.
pedestrian a person who is walking, esp. on or near a street. [1/4 definitions]
peripatetic walking or traveling around; going from place to place; itinerant. [1/2 definitions]
pikestaff a walking stick with a pointed lower end. [1/2 definitions]
pipit any of several small, brownish, insect-eating songbirds characterized by a streaked breast, slender bill, and the habit of walking instead of hopping.
plantigrade characterized by the use of the whole sole of the foot in walking.
scuff to drag the feet along while walking; shuffle. [1/6 definitions]
Seeing Eye dog trademark for a dog trained by Seeing Eye, Inc., to guide blind people in walking about.
shrimp any of several small, mostly saltwater shellfish with long tails and five pairs of walking legs, or any of various similar shellfish, many of which are edible. [1/6 definitions]
shuffle to drag or scrape the feet along the floor while walking. [2/8 definitions]
sleepwalking the act of walking around during sleep; somnambulism.
snowshoe a light frame that is shaped like a racket and strung with a netting so that it can be attached to the foot and used for walking on deep snow. [1/2 definitions]