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diddle1 (informal) to waste time loafing; dawdle. [1/2 definitions]
digestion the decomposing of waste matter by bacteria. [1/3 definitions]
dilly-dally to waste time by hesitating or loitering; dawdle.
dissipate to waste by, or as though by, scattering or spreading widely; squander. [2/4 definitions]
dockage2 chaff or waste removable from grains. [1/2 definitions]
dump to throw away or unload unwanted things, such as garbage or toxic waste. [1/10 definitions]
efficient operating or performing in an effective and competent manner, with little waste of effort or resources. [1/2 definitions]
efficiently in an effective and competent manner, with little waste of effort or resources.
effluence a substance that flows out, esp. as waste; effluent. [1/2 definitions]
effluent sewage or other liquid waste, esp. toxic waste, that flows into a body of water such as a river or lake. [1/3 definitions]
eliminate of an organism, to expel (waste matter). [1/3 definitions]
emaciate to waste away the flesh of, usu. by starvation or disease; make extremely thin.
excrement the waste products of digestion discharged from the body, esp. feces.
excretion the act or process of eliminating bodily waste matter. [2 definitions]
exhaust to pass out as waste, as the fumes of an engine. [3/11 definitions]
fart around (slang) to waste time; be idle.
feces animal waste excreted from the intestines through the anus; excrement.
fiddle to waste time; act aimlessly (often fol. by "around" or "away"). [2/7 definitions]
flock2 waste wool, cotton, or rags used as a stuffing for mattresses or the like. [1/5 definitions]
fool away to waste or squander.
fritter1 to waste or squander by degrees (usu. fol. by "away"). [1/3 definitions]