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fritter1 to waste or squander by degrees (usu. fol. by "away"). [1/3 definitions]
frugal very careful with spending so as to avoid waste. [1/2 definitions]
goof off to waste time, pass time idly, or avoid doing one's work
hemodialysis dialysis of the blood to remove waste products normally removed by the kidneys.
housebreak to train (an animal) to eliminate waste matter either outdoors or in another designated place.
itai-itai disease a painful degenerative bone disease contracted by ingesting water or food that has been polluted by industrial cadmium waste.
kidney either of a pair of organs located high in the abdominal cavity near the spine which extract waste products from the blood and excrete them in urine. [1/2 definitions]
Kitty Litter trademark for a granular material used to absorb the waste of household pets, esp. cats.
landfill a method of simultaneously building up land and disposing of solid waste by burying the waste in low-lying ground. [2 definitions]
litter a disorderly scatter of objects, esp. waste materials. [1/11 definitions]
litterbug someone who scatters waste paper or other refuse on streets, roadsides, public grounds, or the like.
lollygag to waste time in trivial or pointless activity or in inactivity.
lose to fail to use or take advantage of; waste or miss. [1/10 definitions]
manure the waste matter of animals, esp. that of cows and horses, used as a fertilizer. Manure is often mixed with other organic materials such as straw. [1/2 definitions]
misspend to spend or use up unwisely; waste.
offal the parts of a butchered animal considered unfit for human consumption; waste. [1/2 definitions]
particulate any substance made of distinct particles, such as smoke or other waste from combustion. [1/2 definitions]
pee (informal; sometimes considered vulgar) to let liquid waste pass out of one's body; urinate.
piddle to squander or waste, esp. on trifles (usu. fol. by "away"). [2/3 definitions]
piss away to waste; squander.
pollutant something that pollutes, esp. a waste substance that makes air, water, or land impure or unhealthy; contaminant.