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liability area of weakness; disadvantage; susceptibility. [1/3 definitions]
limit (usu. pl.) a weakness or shortcoming. [1/5 definitions]
limitation a weakness or shortcoming that restricts one's abilities. [1/3 definitions]
mountain sickness nausea, weakness, and difficulty in breathing at high altitudes, caused by lack of oxygen.
myasthenia abnormal muscular weakness.
pride self-deceiving blindness to one's own weakness or limitation. [1/7 definitions]
rally1 to recover rapidly from or as if from weakness, illness, or loss; regain vigor or value. [1/12 definitions]
scurvy a potentially fatal disorder caused by a lack of vitamin C in one's diet, usu. accompanied initially by weakness and bleeding gums. [1/2 definitions]
sleeping sickness a usu. fatal infectious disease found in tropical Africa, characterized by fever, weakness, and tremors, and transmitted by tsetse flies. [1/2 definitions]
take advantage to selfishly exploit an opportunity or weakness, or use in a selfish manner for one's own benefit (usu. fol. by "of"). [1/2 definitions]
tooth a preference or weakness for a particular flavor or type of food. [1/5 definitions]
undulant fever a persistent and recurrent fever, accompanied by weakness and joint pains, and caused by contact with domestic animals and their products, esp. meat and milk; brucellosis.
unhealthy tending to reflect or cause moral or ethical weakness. [1/4 definitions]
vice1 a physical weakness. [1/5 definitions]
vulnerable being capable of being hurt or injured; having weakness. [1/3 definitions]