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club a heavy stick, esp. of wood, used as a weapon. [1/7 definitions]
cudgel a short heavy club, usu. used as a weapon. [1/2 definitions]
dagger a short, pointed, swordlike weapon with two sharp edges. [1/3 definitions]
discharge to fire something such as a weapon. [2/17 definitions]
fire the discharging of a weapon or weapons. [2/14 definitions]
firearm a small weapon, such as a pistol or rifle, from which a shot is fired using exploding gunpowder.
firepower the capability of a weapon, group of soldiers, ship, or the like to deliver fire. [1/2 definitions]
flail a medieval weapon of similar design but with heavy, often spherical and barbed weights instead of the short bar. [1/6 definitions]
flamethrower a military weapon that shoots a stream of ignited incendiary fuel such as gas or napalm.
gun to shoot or fire a weapon. [1/7 definitions]
haft a handle or hilt, as of a weapon or cutting tool. [1/2 definitions]
halberd a shafted weapon of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries with an axlike blade and a steel spear at the top.
harpoon a weapon with a long shaft, a barbed head, and a rope at the tail end, which is used like a spear in hunting whales and large fish. [1/2 definitions]
Hiroshima a city in southwest Honshu, Japan, on which the United States dropped an atomic bomb in August, 1945--the first use of a nuclear weapon in history. Hiroshima has been rebuilt and is a thriving city.
hit to strike a blow using a fist or weapon. [1/16 definitions]
jab to strike abruptly and with a short movement of the arm or a weapon. [1/4 definitions]
javelin a lightweight spear thrown as a weapon. [1/3 definitions]
lance a spearlike weapon with a long shaft and pointed metal head, used by mounted troops. [2/3 definitions]
lay down to surrender (one's weapon or weapons). [1/2 definitions]
level to aim or direct (a weapon, gaze, or the like). [2/15 definitions]
machete a knife with a wide heavy blade, used esp. in the tropics to cut crops and clear paths, and as a weapon.