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machete a knife with a wide heavy blade, used esp. in the tropics to cut crops and clear paths, and as a weapon.
magazine the part of an automatic weapon that holds its ammunition. [1/3 definitions]
missile an object or weapon that is thrown, shot, or otherwise projected, usu. at a distant target. [2 definitions]
neutron bomb a nuclear weapon whose detonation releases many neutrons that kill or harm humans and other life, but results in virtually no damage to buildings or property.
panga a large, broad-bladed African knife used as a cutting tool or weapon.
parry to deflect or knock aside (a blow or stroke), as with one's weapon in fencing. [1/5 definitions]
peashooter a slender tube used as a toy weapon, through which dried peas, beans, or other pellets can be blown.
phosgene a highly volatile, colorless liquid or gas that is poisonous and is used as a chemical weapon and in the manufacture of products such as glass and plastics.
pike2 a long pole with a sharp head, formerly used by foot soldiers as a weapon.
ply1 to employ (something) as a weapon or tool. [1/6 definitions]
poleax a long-handled weapon combining ax, hammer, and spearpoint, used in battle in the Middle Ages. [1/3 definitions]
pommel to beat, as with the fists or a knobbed weapon; pummel. [1/3 definitions]
pompom1 a rapid-fire automatic cannon, often mounted on ships as an anti-aircraft weapon.
port5 to carry (a military weapon) in both hands with the muzzle or blade near the left shoulder and the butt or hilt near the right hip. [2/3 definitions]
projectile an object that is thrown, fired, or impelled by an outside force or weapon. [1/3 definitions]
pull to take out (a weapon), as to use it. [1/16 definitions]
quarterstaff a hefty, wooden, iron-tipped pole, six to eight feet in length, formerly used as a weapon in England.
range the distance between a weapon and a target. [1/20 definitions]
rocket1 a firework, weapon, or spacecraft fired using a rocket. [1/6 definitions]
rocket launcher a weapon that is carried by hand or mounted on a vehicle and fires rockets, or a vehicle designed to carry a battery of such weapons.
round a single shot from a firearm or larger weapon, or the ammunition for such a shot. [1/24 definitions]