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deadlight a strong shutter or cover fastened over the interior of a ship's porthole or cabin window in stormy weather. [1/3 definitions]
derecho a severe and destructive weather event in which an expansive windstorm moves rapidly across a large area in a relatively straight line, generally accompanied by intense thunderstorms.
destroying angel any of several poisonous white mushrooms that grow in damp woodlands in warm weather.
disposition a predominant or prevailing mood or temperament, as of a person or the weather. [1/6 definitions]
doldrums the ocean belt near the equator, characterized by calms and light, variable winds, or the characteristic weather of this region. [1/2 definitions]
drippy wet or drizzly, as weather. [1/2 definitions]
element (pl.) the atmospheric conditions that constitute the weather. [1/6 definitions]
El Niņo an unusually warm Pacific Ocean current that develops near the International Date Line in the center of the ocean and flows east toward Peru and then south along the coast of South America. El Niņo events, which occur every two to seven years approximately, are associated with various negative impacts including damage to the livelihoods of those dependent on fishing and disturbance to regional and global weather patterns, which in turn can increase the incidence of disease and the frequency of destructive weather events.
fair-weather suited only for fair weather. [1/2 definitions]
forecaster a person who forecasts what is likely to happen in the future, esp. one who predicts the weather.
foul disagreeable or unfavorable, as weather. [1/21 definitions]
freeze a period of severely cold weather. [1/17 definitions]
gnarled roughened, sinewy, or weather-beaten, as from old age or hard manual work. [1/2 definitions]
Groundhog Day February 2, on which tradition asserts that a certain groundhog comes out of its hole, and that if it sees its shadow, six more weeks of winter weather will follow.
gumshoe a rubber shoe, such as an overshoe for wearing in wet weather. [1/2 definitions]
hardy able to endure or survive harsh weather or adverse conditions; not easily killed. [1/2 definitions]
heat hot weather. [1/13 definitions]
heat wave a period of unusually hot weather.
high an atmospheric condition of high pressure, often indicating fair weather. [1/14 definitions]
inclement of weather, violent or disagreeable.
Indian summer a late period of warm dry sunny weather, usu. in late fall or early winter.