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Indian summer a late period of warm dry sunny weather, usu. in late fall or early winter.
isobar a line on a weather map drawn between places that have the same barometric pressure during a given time or period. [1/2 definitions]
isotherm a line on a weather map or chart that connects all points on the earth's surface that have the same average temperature over a specified period, or the same temperature at a given time.
isothermal of or pertaining to a line on a weather map connecting points that have equal temperatures. [2/3 definitions]
Jack Frost the personification of frost or cold weather.
Jupiter in Roman mythology, the supreme god who was the weather god and protector of state and law; Jove; Zeus. [1/2 definitions]
lifeline a safety line strung along the deck of a ship as a handhold in stormy weather. [1/5 definitions]
low1 an atmospheric condition of low pressure, often indicating storms or violent weather patterns. [1/16 definitions]
lower2 to become dark or ominous, as the weather. [1/3 definitions]
lowering dark and gloomy, as the weather. [1/2 definitions]
meteorograph an instrument that measures and records several atmospheric or weather conditions at the same time.
meteorological of or pertaining to the atmosphere, weather, or climate. [1/2 definitions]
meteorologist a scientist who studies the weather and atmospheric phenomena. Some meteorologists make weather forecasts for the public.
meteorology the science that deals with the earth's atmosphere, climates, and weather.
muggy warm, humid, and stifling, as the weather or the atmosphere outdoors or in an enclosed space.
National Weather Service an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce that compiles data on weather conditions and issues weather warnings.
neoprene a synthetic, weather-resistant rubber used in paint and putty, as a lining or covering, and in shoe soles.
occlude in meteorology, to form a composite weather front by the action of cold air overtaking a warm front and forcing it upward. [1/5 definitions]
Olympic Games an international amateur athletic competition patterned after the ancient Greek games, held every four years in different countries, with separate dates and locations for winter and warm-weather sports.
overcast a weather condition in which the sky is mostly obscured by clouds. [1/5 definitions]
overcoat an outer coat worn in rainy or cold weather.