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bronco a wild or semi-tamed horse or pony of western North America.
Brooklyn a New York City borough on the western end of Long Island.
Byzantine Empire one of two divisions of the Roman Empire that flourished from the fourth century until 1453 in the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula and the western part of Asia Minor; Eastern Roman Empire.
Caucasoid (outdated; no longer in scientific use) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of members of a human racial group originating in Europe, North Africa, western Asia, and India, generally characterized by fair to brown skin and straight to curly hair of any color. [1/2 definitions]
Cayuse (l.c.) a small horse or Indian pony used by western American cowboys. [1/3 definitions]
cereus any of various tall cacti growing in tropical North and South America and the western United States.
chinquapin a large evergreen tree of the western United States. [1/3 definitions]
chuck wagon in the western United States, a wagon or van used to carry food and utensils for feeding outdoor workers such as cowboys.
chukar a partridge native to Asia and Europe, with red beak and feet and chestnut upper plumage, that has been introduced into the western United States as a game bird.
CO1 abbreviation of "Colorado," a western U.S. state bordered by Wyoming, Kansas, New Mexico, and Utah.
Colorado a western U.S. state bordered by Wyoming, Kansas, New Mexico, and Utah. (abbr.: CO) [1/2 definitions]
Common Market an economic association of major western European countries mainly designed to eliminate tariffs on trade among member nations and establish uniform tariffs on goods from other countries; European Economic Community. [1/2 definitions]
condor one of two vultures that are the largest flying birds of the Western Hemisphere, having a bald head and neck, dark plumage, and a wingspan up to twelve feet.
coracle a small rounded boat of waterproof material stretched over a frame of wood or wicker, used in western England, Wales, and Ireland.
coulee a deep, narrow ravine, esp. in the western United States, cut by rain or melting snow. [1/2 definitions]
country-western popular music that comes from the folk music of the southern or southwestern United States. It generally employs vocals and a variety of stringed instruments such as guitar and fiddle; country and western; country music. [2 definitions]
cowboy a mounted cattle herdsman employed by ranches of the western United States. [1/3 definitions]
cowgirl a young woman hired to herd and tend cattle, usu. on horseback, in the western United States. [1/2 definitions]
Darfur a region of western Sudan.
deer mouse any of various large-eared mice of the Western Hemisphere that have long tails and white feet and undersides.
desman either of two molelike aquatic mammals found in eastern Europe and western Asia that feed on insects and have webbed feet and a long snout.