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sandhog one who does excavation work in sandy, wet conditions, esp. a laborer working on the construction of an underwater tunnel.
shower1 to wet or spray with a shower of rain or water. [1/11 definitions]
sloppy wet or muddy. [1/5 definitions]
slosh wet mud, or a mixture of snow and water; slush. [1/6 definitions]
soak to be very wet; be drenched. [3/12 definitions]
soggy completely wet; heavy with moisture; saturated; sodden. [1/2 definitions]
sop anything soaked until it is entirely wet. [2/6 definitions]
sopping thoroughly wet; soaked.
soppy dripping wet; soaked. [1/2 definitions]
souse to cause to be thoroughly wet; drench. [1/7 definitions]
spatterdash a long legging or gaiter, formerly worn by men in wet weather to protect their trouser legs and stockings.
splash to wet or soil by this means. [1/9 definitions]
splatter to wet or soil with splashes. [1/3 definitions]
sponge bath a cleansing of the body with a wet sponge or cloth rather than washing in a tub or shower.
spontaneous combustion the ignition of a substance or material, such as oily cloths or wet hay, caused by the rapid increase of heat from chemical reactions in the substance.
squashy soft and wet; mushy. [1/2 definitions]
squirt to wet with fluid or a semifluid expelled in a thin jet or spray. [1/8 definitions]
squishy soft, wet, and easily squashed. [1/2 definitions]
stucco a durable, rough plaster usu. made of cement, sand, and lime, applied while wet and used on exterior walls. [1/3 definitions]
swamp a wet lowland area that is usu. covered with water; marsh; bog. [1/5 definitions]
sweat to dampen, wet, or stain with perspiration. [1/18 definitions]