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careen esp. of a vehicle, to sway while moving fast, or to move fast and unsteadily. [2/5 definitions]
carry to bear or support while moving; transport. [1/16 definitions]
centerboard on a sailboat, a flat wooden or metal keel that can be raised or lowered for greater stability while the boat is in motion.
chaps full-length leather leggings worn esp. by cowboys to protect the legs while riding horseback.
charade (usu. pl.) a game in which each player must act out a word or phrase without speaking, while the other teammates must try to guess it. [1/2 definitions]
chin in gymnastics, to pull (oneself) upward from a dangling position while grasping a horizontal bar until the chin is level with the bar. [1/3 definitions]
christie (sometimes cap.) in skiing, any of several maneuvers for turning, slowing down, or stopping, esp. while keeping the skis parallel.
chug to move while making or imitating a chugging sound. [1/3 definitions]
clap to move while making a clapping sound. [1/11 definitions]
conjunction in grammar, a word such as "and," "while," or "because" that connects words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. [1/4 definitions]
counter3 in boxing, to deliver a blow while receiving or blocking one from one's opponent. [2/8 definitions]
crib-biting the habit of horses to bite at wood, as of a stall or feed trough, and swallow harmful amounts of air while doing so.
cuddle to hug and caress with affection and tenderness, usu. while sitting or reclining. [1/3 definitions]
curtsy a formal gesture of respect, made by girls and women, in which the body is lowered slightly by bending the knees while, often, one foot extends behind the other; counterpart of a bow by boys and men. [1/2 definitions]
daydream a dreamlike fantasy one has while awake, often characterized by pleasant thoughts or wishful imaginings. [1/2 definitions]
detention home a place where juvenile offenders are held in custody, esp. while awaiting a court's disposition of their cases.
diminishing returns a proposition in economics that when the amount of one factor of production, such as labor, is increased past a certain point while the amounts of other factors, such as land or capital, are held constant, additional output will increase only at a progressively lower and lower rate.
diplomatic immunity exemption from local laws, granted to diplomatic personnel and their dependents while in a foreign country.
discussion the act or an instance of discussing, or, collectively, the various things said while discussing.
dissolve of a shot in films or videotapes, to fade away while the next appears dimly at first and then becomes clearer and replaces the first. [2/11 definitions]
dive bomber a fighter-bomber designed to drop its bombs while diving toward the target.