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chapati in Indian cookery, a thin flat usu. whole-wheat bread baked on a griddle.
collective formed by collecting; combined to make a whole. [1/4 definitions]
combine to bring or join together, as into a whole. [1/6 definitions]
common denominator a characteristic, element, theme, or the like that is common to all members of a group or parts of a whole. [1/2 definitions]
compartment a part sectioned off from a larger whole. [1/3 definitions]
complement the part that when added to something else makes up a whole or makes up a full quantity of something. [1/7 definitions]
complementary forming a whole or a perfected combination. [1/2 definitions]
complete to make whole or entire; add or constitute the final necessary part to (something). [1/6 definitions]
completion the state of being finished , concluded, or made whole. [1/3 definitions]
component a part or element of a whole; constituent. [1/2 definitions]
compose to form or combine into a whole. [1/6 definitions]
comprehensive (often pl.) an examination covering an entire field or a whole academic year of study. [1/3 definitions]
condensed milk whole milk thickened by evaporating some of the water and generally sweetened by adding sugar.
configuration in psychology, a gestalt or unified whole. [1/6 definitions]
consolidate to combine into a whole or mass; unify. [1/3 definitions]
consumption a wasting away of living tissue, or of the body as a whole, esp. when caused by tuberculosis of the lungs. [1/4 definitions]
continuity an unbroken or uninterrupted series or whole. [1/2 definitions]
continuum a continuous extent or whole, the parts of which cannot be separately perceived. [1/2 definitions]
corporation any group of people who function as a unified whole. [1/2 definitions]
cosmos the totality of material existence, esp. considered as a unified, orderly whole; universe. [2/4 definitions]
cream the part of whole milk that contains butterfat. [1/14 definitions]