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Gilded Age in U.S. history, the post-Civil War era, characterized by rapid industrialization, economic expansion, and widespread corruption in business and government.
hullabaloo a widespread excitement, uproar, or publicity. [1/2 definitions]
magnetic storm a temporary widespread disturbance of the earth's magnetic field, caused by unusual solar activity.
pandemic a widespread outbreak of disease that afflicts many people over different continents. [2/3 definitions]
panic in financial affairs, a wave of fear and the widespread selling or buying in the stock market that it provokes. [1/6 definitions]
pink salmon a widespread species of small Pacific salmon.
Pleistocene of, relating to, or designating the geological epoch at the start of the Quaternary Period, from approximately 1.8 million to 10 thousand years ago, when glacial ice was widespread and modern humans first appeared. [1/2 definitions]
postglacial existing in or happening after a period of widespread glaciation, esp. that of the Pleistocene epoch.
prevailing having widespread and dominant influence. [1/2 definitions]
prevalent generally accepted; pervasive; widespread.
quaternary (cap.) of, relating to, or designating the latest geological period of the Cenozoic Era that includes the present and began approximately 1.8 million years ago, marked by widespread glaciers, the appearance of humans, and the development of human culture. [1/4 definitions]
race riot widespread violence or destruction in a community that arises from racial conflict or hatred.
rat mite a widespread mite carried by rats that can transmit typhus to humans or cause inflammation of the skin by its bite.
resound to have widespread fame or influence. [1/5 definitions]
rife common or frequent; widespread. [1/3 definitions]
sell-off a decline in prices, usu. of stocks or bonds, caused by widespread desire to sell.
tidal wave any widespread or overwhelming movement, expression, or feeling. [1/2 definitions]
wholesale widespread, large-scale, or indiscriminate. [1/6 definitions]