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escapade a wild adventure or prank, usu. mischievous or mildly wicked.
farouche lacking social manners, or unsociable in a savage, uncivilized way; wild.
feline of or pertaining to the family of cats, both domestic and wild. [1/3 definitions]
feral existing in a wild natural state; not domesticated. [3 definitions]
fierce dangerously wild, hostile, or vicious; ferocious. [1/4 definitions]
fiercely in a dangerously wild, hostile, or vicious manner. [1/3 definitions]
fireweed any of various wild plants that grow easily in clearings caused by fire, such as willow herb.
forsythia any of several wild or cultivated early-blooming shrubs bearing bright yellow flowers that bloom along the length of long, thin branches.
fowl any of various wild game birds, such as pheasant, quail, or wild ducks or geese. [3/4 definitions]
fox a wild carnivore, related to dogs and wolves, that has a pointed muzzle, erect ears, and a bushy tail. [1/7 definitions]
fox grape a wild vine of the eastern United States, having leaves whose undersides are covered with wooly hairs and bearing purplish black grapes.
frenzy wild madness. [2/3 definitions]
game wild animals that are hunted for food. [2/9 definitions]
gamy having the strong taste or smell characteristic of the meat of wild animals, esp. of meat that has started to spoil. [1/2 definitions]
goose a wild or domesticated water bird that resembles a duck but is usu. larger and has a longer neck and legs and a more pointed bill. [1/6 definitions]
graylag a wild gray goose native to marshy areas of Europe.
great laurel a large wild rhododendron of the eastern United States that has thick glossy dark green leaves and bears clusters of white or pink flowers.
haggard wasted, exhausted, or wild in appearance, as from hunger, deprivation, or anxiety.
harum-scarum wild or disorganized. [1/4 definitions]
heartsease the wild pansy, or various similar plants. [1/2 definitions]
heath an area of wild, relatively flat, uncultivated land tending to favor only the growth of low, shrubby plants. [1/2 definitions]