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fain willing under the circumstances; content. [1/4 definitions]
generosity willing readiness to give. [1/3 definitions]
generous willing to give or share, or giving more than necessary; unselfish. [1/4 definitions]
glad forthcoming; willing. [1/3 definitions]
homestead law any law offering the sale of public lands to those willing to settle on and develop them. [1/2 definitions]
impractical not able or willing to deal with practical matters, as in handling money. [1/2 definitions]
indisposed not willing or inclined; averse (usu. fol. by infinitive). [1/2 definitions]
obedient obeying, or being willing to obey, rules, commands, or requests.
patient willing or able to wait calmly when faced with delay or obstacles, or when tempted to take immediate action. [1/7 definitions]
readiness the state of being willing, available, or ready. [1/2 definitions]
ready disposed; willing. [1/8 definitions]
receptive capable of or willing to receive. [2 definitions]
silent not willing or tending to speak; reticent. [1/6 definitions]
soldier of fortune a military adventurer willing to serve any employer; mercenary. [1/2 definitions]
station-to-station designating a long-distance telephone call in which the caller is willing to talk with whomever answers. [1/3 definitions]
tolerant willing to tolerate the beliefs, characteristics, or acts of others. [1/2 definitions]
uncooperative not willing to work with others or comply with external demands, esp. reasonable demands.
undisposed not inclined or willing (usu. fol. by an infinitive). [1/2 definitions]
unwilling showing reluctance; not willing. [1/2 definitions]
up for (informal) eager or willing to engage in something. [1/4 definitions]
velleity volition or willing in its weakest form. [1/2 definitions]