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bone-dry (informal) dry as a bone after prolonged exposure to sun and wind; very dry or thirsty.
boreal of or pertaining to the north, esp. the wind from the north.
brass (often pl.) a wind instrument usu. made of brass, such as a trumpet or horn. [1/6 definitions]
breathy marked by intentional or unintentional expiration of air that softens or otherwise alters the normal timbre of a wind instrument. [1/2 definitions]
breeze a light or gentle wind. [2/4 definitions]
broach to veer so as to be broadside to the wind and waves (usu. fol. by "to"). [1/7 definitions]
careen of a ship, to sway over to one side, as in a wind. [1/5 definitions]
Chinook (sometimes l.c.) a warm dry wind blowing eastward from the Rocky Mountains. [1/3 definitions]
chop2 to suddenly shift direction; swerve, esp. with the wind.
choppy of the wind, shifting unexpectedly; variable. [1/3 definitions]
close-hauled with the sails trimmed very flat for sailing as close as possible to the wind.
coil1 to wind into loops or a spiral. [1/8 definitions]
compound sentence a sentence composed of two or more independent clauses, which are usu. linked by a conjunction, such as "The sky darkened and the wind howled".
convolute to wind around; coil. [1/2 definitions]
convolve to roll, twist, or wind together; coil up.
cornet a brass wind instrument resembling a compact trumpet. [1/2 definitions]
crosswind a wind blowing at an angle across the path of an airplane, ship, or the like.
crumhorn an early double-reed wind instrument, the tube of which terminates in a curve or crook.
dead reckoning the calculation of the position of a ship or airplane on the basis of speed, distance, wind speed, and currents, rather than on more accurate astronomical observations.
double-tongue in playing a wind instrument, the action of touching the tongue alternately to the teeth and hard palate, producing rapid articulation of notes.
downwind in the direction that the wind is going; leeward.